Brent Littlejohn, February Electrician of the Month

Brent joined Cal-Tex in 2015 after completing school at Dunwoody.

How do you motivate yourself at work?

There’s a lot of people that rely on me to do my job and do it correctly, so I would say not letting them down motivates me pretty well. But also, the reward of finishing something that, at first glance, was daunting and unfathomable to me.

How did you first hear about Cal-Tex?

One of your electricians spoke to my class at Dunwoody.

So far, what has been your favorite project and why?

Hunerberg Construction’s new building in Maple Grove. Since I started at Cal-Tex, I’ve worked on a number of Hunerberg projects and have gotten to know most of their employees. I’ve grown to have a lot of respect for their company and it was a big moment for me to be trusted with their building’s electrical work.

What is something about you most people don’t know?

I’ve played golf for 25 years and I’m still awful.

Congratulations Brent!